Mythical Creature

A couple of weeks ago I spotted (no pun intended) this beautiful Appaloosa in pasture. I shot a few frames but did not get very close. I usually don’t enter private properties without talking with the owners first… I don’t mess with my pictures in the digital darkroom much. I tend to keep it under the minute per image rule. 😉 Yet, this horse, although beautiful in natural color, is a perfect subject for a little creativity in post processing, don’t you think?

I’ve been thinking about it ever since! Yesterday I decided to go back and try to get closer. I met with the owner Sandy, had a lovely discussion and took a few more frames (although the cats got a lot of my intention too, see previous post). I was a bright sunny day, not the perfect ‘after the rain’ light of the previous visit. But I’ll definitely go back and shoot some more very soon…

My first visit:


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