Photographing repetitive patterns – London

Wherever I am,  I see repetitive patterns all around me. I don’t look for them and I only take the time to photograph a few. During my street photography walk with Chris in London last month I did not only do street photography… I saw a lot of repetitive patterns in my surroundings too. Here are just a few of them. Which one is your favorite?

8 thoughts on “Photographing repetitive patterns – London

  1. Wonderful symmetry and I did not realise you had taken so many. I walked blindly by them and missed the great potential you found. Today Friday, I retraced our steps and saw the scooter seats all occupied with diners. Tuesday was not the best day as it was so quiet but as your blog shows you still made some great pictures.


  2. I am am an amateur, with point and shoot for now. But I love repetitive patterns, especially in black and white, which seems to force the pattern to come alive if you want to end up with a good photo. Yours are great. The one subject I always look for, and always have trouble with getting a good photo of, is stacked wood, especially from the end where you see the round grain (in unspit piles) or the edges in split wood piles. I have only felt that a few of the hundreds of photos I have taken of stacked wood piles have proved to be worth saving. Everything has to be right – angle of the light, shadows, clear grains, etc. Your cobblestone walkway comes the closest to this type of photo. Thanks. Dave


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